Arizona’s Election Shock: New Rules Could Criminalize Watching the Ballot Box

Arizona’s Election Shock: New Rules Could Criminalize Watching the Ballot Box

In a pivotal legal challenge, America First Policy Institute (AFPI) has filed a lawsuit in Maricopa County on behalf of the Arizona Free Enterprise Club against the Arizona Secretary of State, Adrian Fontes, over the 2023 Elections Procedures Manual (EPM). This action, underpinned by concerns over constitutional overreach and the infringement of protected political speech and association rights, strikes a chord with the core principles cherished by our communities, especially those aligned with traditional and conservative viewpoints. The lawsuit argues that specific provisions within the EPM exceed the Secretary of State’s statutory authority, unduly criminalize election-related speech, and improperly regulate federal-only voting without a solid legal foundation.

The core issue in Arizona involves new election rules that establish exclusion zones around drop boxes and polling places for the 2024 elections, as detailed in the state’s Election Procedures Manual. These zones limit citizens’ ability to monitor these areas for illegal voting activities, potentially infringing on Arizonians’ First Amendment rights. The restrictions raise concerns about criminalizing individuals for simply observing and ensuring the lawful conduct of voting, highlighting a conflict between safeguarding the electoral process and preserving fundamental constitutional freedoms.

Native Americans for Sovereignty and Preservation (NASP) stands in solidarity with the America First Policy Institute (AFPI) and the AFEC in this legal endeavor. This support underscores a shared commitment to defending the sanctity of the electoral process, a cornerstone of democratic participation and self-determination.

From the perspective of our values, this lawsuit is not just a legal dispute but a principled stand against governmental overreach and for the protection of fundamental democratic rights. It embodies the struggle to ensure that election administration respects constitutional limits and statutory guidelines, safeguarding the integrity of every citizen’s vote and voice, including those of our Native American communities – rural and urban.


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The concerns highlighted by the AFEC resonate deeply with the values of Native Americans for Sovereignty and Preservation. These include the importance of transparent, lawful governance, protecting individual freedoms against undue interference, and preserving the democratic process. The involvement of AFPI and AFEC in this lawsuit reflects a united front in the fight to maintain the balance between governance and liberty, emphasizing the exercise of state power within the bounds of law and respect for individual rights.

There’s significant concern that the current Arizona administration is curtailing citizens’ rights to free speech and assembly, putting individuals at risk of criminal charges for actions intended to monitor and protect the electoral process.

The AFPI and the AFEC’s challenge to the 2023 EPM is ensuring the integrity of the electoral process. It is a cause that deserves the support of all who value democracy and all the voices it represents.


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