Celebrating and Safeguarding Our Native Heritage

Celebrating and Safeguarding Our Native Heritage

As we step into the reflective season of Native American Heritage Month, we look back at our Emergence, Culture, and Contributions that have tirelessly melded the identity of our Indigenous communities. Our roots run deep, nurtured by the ancient wisdom of our relatives. However, as we honor our past, we must also cast a vigilant eye toward the future to ensure the preservation and enrichment of our heritage in the face of evolving societal narratives.

Our heritage is not merely a relic of the past; it is a living breath that continues to evolve yet remains firmly rooted in our shared values and traditions. Preserving and enriching this heritage is not only a tribute to who we are as The People but also a pathway for future generations to understand their timeless identity and the legacy they inherit.

Our communities have always been the bedrock of leadership, innovation, and a profound respect for life, including life in the womb. As we continue to contribute to our Native Nations and the broader society, our unified voices call for the sovereignty and preservation of our cultures. This leadership is not something we take lightly; it is a responsibility borne out of love, respect, and an understanding of our unique position in the historical and contemporary narrative.

However, as new narratives and influences, often created outside our communities, threaten to erode the core traditional values that have sustained us through centuries, we must remain vigilant. These globalist narratives often lack respect for our unique cultures and the intricate ceremonies that provide true balance to Our People. We must push back when they threaten to undermine our sovereignty and the self-determination of our Tribal nations.


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We are the culture keepers, the historians, and the bearers of the ancient wisdom that guides our communities through the ever-changing tides of time. Our roles are not merely titles but sacred trusts that demand our unwavering commitment to safeguard the essence of who we are. Our voices are powerful; they carry the truth of our past and the hopes of our future. When we witness wrongs, it is not just our right but our duty to stand tall, speak out, and ensure the integrity of our heritage is unyieldingly upheld.

We desire fair prices for our labor and products, a seat at the table in discussions that affect us, and the opportunity to be the decision-makers in matters concerning our communities. We aim to thrive and succeed in whatever ventures we choose and to build a sustainable present and future for our families on our tribal lands. We do not seek handouts but rather opportunities to demonstrate our capabilities and to contribute meaningfully to society at large.

As we celebrate Native American Heritage Month, let us renew our pledge to remain steadfast in our commitment to our communities, honor our past, enrich our present, and build a future where our heritage continues to flourish in the centers of our native nations.

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