Actually, Everything IS Sacred! Here’s Why

Actually, Everything IS Sacred! Here’s Why

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to forget our deep, spiritual connection with the universe, the Creator, and most importantly, ourselves. According to Navajo teachings, we are five-fingered beings, spiritual entities, and deities intricately woven into the fabric of the Creator’s universe. This understanding reminds us that we are not separate from nature or each other but rather spiritual beings experiencing life in a physical form. Our spiritual life is infinite. Our time on earth is short. All things are spiritual because all things come from the Creator, and when we live in alignment with this truth, miracles can happen in our daily lives.

Here are two key findings from NASP to inspire you to refocus your energy, mood, and purpose today:

The Power of Letting Go and Inviting the Creator

The Bible offers ancient verses that remind us of our interconnectedness with all creation when viewed through a spiritual lens. Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven, and all things shall be added unto you.” God wants the best for us, because he made it for us. This aligns with Navajo teachings about balance and harmony, the Beauty Way, and a purposeful journey. What if, by letting go of our human need to control every outcome, we allow the Creator to guide our lives? By understanding that God is everything, God IS our finances, relationships, and health, we open ourselves to more significant blessings than we could ever imagine. The Creator, the source of all abundance, is within you, waiting to manifest miracles.

By consciously inviting the Creator into every area of our lives—whether through prayer, meditation, or moments of stillness—we allow divine forces to work on our behalf. The result? We attract the right people, resources, and opportunities with ease. Instead of striving, we are led to still waters, where peace and abundance flow. Still waters mirror the infinite sky. Still waters have a rippling effect that expands.


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The Kingdom of Heaven Is Within Us

We are not gods, but we are OF God. We don’t worship ourselves, our leaders, our titles, our things. But we do understand and respect that they are FROM the Creator. In Navajo philosophy, every being, every object, and every event is a reflection of the Creator’s divine plan. Similarly, Jesus taught that the Kingdom of Heaven is something within us all, not just some distant realm. We unlock a profound power when we recognize that we are spiritual beings first, not merely physical bodies. Our thoughts, beliefs, and desires can potentially shape the world around us, just as our ancestors believed. When we shift our awareness from the material world to the divine presence within, we align with the Creator’s will, and all of our dormant possibilities come to life.

This alignment helps us realize that everything we desire—love, success, health, or peace—is already within reach. It’s simply waiting for us to tap into it through our connection with the Creator. By acknowledging the divine within, we become co-creators of our reality, able to manifest abundance and harmony in all aspects of life.

Refocusing on Our Spiritual Nature

These teachings remind us that we are more than just physical beings. We are divine, spiritual entities connected to the Creator and capable of experiencing miracles. As we walk the path of life, let us take moments each day to pause, reflect, and reconnect with our spiritual essence. By seeking the Creator within and letting go of control, we open the doors to a life of peace, abundance, and purpose. Let today be a day where you shift your focus back to this sacred truth—your divine identity as a five-fingered being, connected to all creation and the universe’s infinite potential.

Remember, you have the power to transform your reality. Trust in the Creator, and let the miracles unfold.

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