Freedom and Influence: Navigating Our Interconnected Society

Freedom and Influence: Navigating Our Interconnected Society

In the intricate web of our modern world, we find ourselves under the constant sway of various influences. The pharmaceutical industry, the military-industrial complex, big establishment news, big tech, and the administrative state are some of these forces. They mold our lives, guide our choices, and shape our perceptions. This raises a crucial question: Amidst these influences, do we retain our freedom, or are we simply puppets manipulated by these powerful industries?

Understanding Our Freedom

At its core, freedom is the capacity to act according to one’s own will, unhindered and unrestrained. Yet, this concept takes on a more subtle form within the societal framework. It encompasses the absence of constraints and conditions that enable individuals to realize their full potential.

The Impact of Big Gov, Big Tech, Big Rx, 24 Hours News

Consider the pharmaceutical industry. It plays a pivotal role in our health and well-being, offering life-saving drugs and therapies. Yet, it often faces scrutiny for its profit-driven nature, which can sometimes clash with the public interest. Similarly, the military-industrial complex shapes our national security policies and perception of threats. Big tech and 24-hour news channels influences our communication, information access, and even thought processes. With its extensive bureaucracy, the administrative state and all the federal agencies affect our lives through its regulations and policies.

Why Can’t We Question? 

These entities push a lot of influence on our lives. But does this mean our freedom is compromised? The answer lies in our capacity to question, think critically, and make informed decisions.


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We Can Trust Them This Time, Right?

Historically, our communities have grappled with numerous injustices, from the countless broken treaties, such as the Treaty of New Echota in 1835, which led to the tragic Trail of Tears, to the Alaska experiments in 1955, where 102 Inuit and Athapascans “selected” for a study on the effects of radioactive iodine on thyroid tissue. From the trauma of boarding schools, where languages and cultures were systematically erased, to being denied agriculture loans (Keepseagle v. Vilsack), these experiences underscore the importance of questioning the narratives and actions of powerful entities.

The Spirit of Free Thinkers

To truly embody the spirit of free thinkers, we must challenge the narratives presented by these powerful entities. We must critically evaluate the information we receive, consider different perspectives, and make informed decisions based on our values and beliefs.

The essence of freedom does not lie in the absence of influence but in our ability to recognize, understand, and question it.

A Call to Action

As we reflect on these historical injustices, we must ask ourselves: How many broken promises need to be made? How many medical mistakes need to occur? How much more land needs to be taken by the government? How many unjust wars must we be dragged into before we change our thought process and elect better leaders? These questions are not rhetorical; they demand introspection, dialogue, and action.


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