How Young Native Conservatives Are Shaping the Future in Key Battleground States
Turning Point Action’s initiative, “Chase the Vote,” is a strategic effort to mobilize America’s freedom fighters, encouraging voters who have received mail-in ballots to cast their votes and make a voting plan. This initiative is particularly significant in battleground states, including Arizona, Wisconsin, and beyond, aiming to deploy over a thousand field organizers for ballot-chasing operations.
You know the liberals are beating conservative voters in the ballot game. They have strategically concentrated their efforts on our tribal lands, massively expanding their ballot-chasing operations in critical battleground states. You’ve seen them on our reservations with their abortion partners and teacher unions demanding more red tape and less education.
For young Native conservative voters in Arizona, New Mexico, Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Michigan, we encourage you to get involved with Turning Point Action’s “Chase the Vote,” which can be a powerful way to contribute to the conservative movement.
Now is our time to get involved!
Join Our Membership - Free!
________Here’s how:
- Join as a Field Organizer: To have a significant number of door knockers and field organizers, young Native conservatives have the opportunity to be at the forefront of this initiative, directly engaging with voters to ensure their ballots are cast.
- Participate in Events: Turning Point Action plans to engage thousands of patriotic voters through powerful events. Participation in these events can be an excellent way for you to connect with like-minded individuals, share your perspective, build critical relationships, and encourage voter turnout in your communities.
- Volunteer for Ballot Chasing Operations: The initiative’s focus on ballot chasing provides a unique opportunity for volunteers to make a direct impact by tracking and encouraging the return of mail-in ballots. This hands-on approach can be efficient in close-knit Native communities, where personal relationships and direct communication are highly valued.
- Engage with National Organizations: Turning Point Action works alongside national organizations like the Cause of America, Early Vote Action, and others. Young Native conservatives can look into these organizations for additional opportunities to get involved at the state and national levels.
- Spread the Word: Utilizing social media and community networks to inform and encourage others to participate in the voting process is another way young Native conservatives can make a difference. Sharing information about the importance of ballot chasing and how to get involved with Turning Point Action’s initiatives can help mobilize voters in key battleground states.
Turning Point Action’s commitment to ensuring every American makes a voting plan for victory highlights the critical role that young Native conservative voters can play in shaping the future of their communities and the nation. By getting involved, they can help secure conservative victories in crucial battleground states.
For those guided by the Creator, who hold the sanctity of life in the highest regard, recognize the paramount importance of trade skills, believe in hands-on land management over mere stewardship, and see a strong economy as the pathway to good jobs for families, there is a profound call to action.
Your beliefs and values are not just personal convictions but the foundation for a thriving community and nation. Get involved and make a difference at: Chase the vote – Turning Point Action (tpaction.com)