ICWA, Child Welfare, and Replanting Spaces for Indigenous Youth to Prosper

ICWA, Child Welfare, and Replanting Spaces for Indigenous Youth to Prosper

The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) stands as a testament to the resilience and rights of Native American communities. It’s not just a piece of legislation; it’s a beacon that shines light on the historical injustices faced by Native children. The recent Supreme Court ruling in Texas reaffirms the importance of ICWA, marking a significant victory for the welfare of Native American children.

Upholding ICWA

The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold ICWA is a monumental step in recognizing the rights and well-being of Native American children. Historically, Native children were forcibly removed from their homes, a painful echo of the boarding schools and forced relocations of the past. 

This displacement is not just a relic of history; it’s a present-day challengeDespite making up only 1% of all children in the U.S., AI/AN children constitute 2.7% of those placed in foster care. The SCOTUS ruling is a victory against such disparities. We are thankful of these current Justices.

The Need for Tribally-Led Foster Care

Our children’s future lies in a system that understands and respects their heritage. A tribally led youth care system can offer this understanding. In such a system, Native languages become core to the curriculum, not just elective courses. It’s a vision where children are taught about their ancestors’ bravery, wisdom, and innovations. Starting now, we can advocate for educational choices that align with our values. We can ensure our children grow up with a deep connection to their roots.


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End “Indian Removal” – Create “Indigenous Replanting”

The narratives we are fed, the histories we’ve been taught, and the media we consume today often sideline our rich traditions and values. This process of “Indian removal” continues subtly by what we consume (and even by what we eat and put into our bodies!). But we have the power to change this. By creating content that tells our stories authentically and by instilling our traditions and values in the next generation, we can ensure they grow up strong and connected to their heritage.

Challenges like the ICWA case should be viewed not as mere tests but as opportunities for reflection and growth. We are the firekeepers of a legacy, and it’s our responsibility to pave the way for a truly Indigenous future.

Let’s take this moment to not only celebrate the upholding of ICWA but also to work towards a future where our children are raised with what’s best for them. A future where they grow up strong, connected to their roots, and proud of their heritage. 

Let this be our call to action. Let’s reclaim our legacy for ourselves and for the generations to come. The future is not just Indigenous; it’s bright, hopeful, and full of promise.

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