Refocusing on The Creator: A Call to Humility and Service to ‘The One Who Makes Us Complete’

Refocusing on The Creator: A Call to Humility and Service to ‘The One Who Makes Us Complete’

In the modern world, we often hear about the “self-love” movement, a trend that emphasizes the importance of self-care and self-appreciation. While these concepts have their merits, they can sometimes overshadow the importance of humility, service, and acknowledging a higher power. We believe in the importance of refocusing on The Creator and recognizing our humanity through our humility.

Acknowledging Our Higher Power

In many Native American cultures, spirituality is deeply intertwined with daily life. We believe in the presence of a higher power, often referred to as The Creator or the Great Spirit. This belief instills in us a sense of humility and gratitude. Our Creator makes us full, complete, and whole. We cannot do this alone. This traditional concept reminds us that we are part of a larger universe and that our existence is not solely about our individual selves. This perspective contrasts with the self-love movement, which often places the individual at the center of the universe.

The Importance of Humility

Humility is a virtue that is highly valued in our cultures. It is the recognition of our limitations and the acceptance of our humanity. We open ourselves to growth and learning by acknowledging our flaws and weaknesses – and how we can be better people in service to The Creator. This is a stark contrast to the self-love movement, which often encourages individuals to focus on their strengths and achievements, sometimes to the point of ignoring their shortcomings.

Service to the Creator

Service to the Heavenly Father, or The Creator, is a cornerstone of our belief system. Our actions should be guided by a desire to honor and serve The Creator. This can be achieved through acts of kindness, respect for nature, and adherence to our cultural traditions. This concept of service – for The Creator, and for The Creator only- is often overlooked in the self-love movement, which tends to prioritize personal happiness and fulfillment.


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Reasons Why the “Self-Love” Movement is So Problematic

  • Narcissism: The self-love movement can lead to selfishness, where individuals become excessively self-centered and disregard the needs and feelings of others.
  • Lack of Accountability: It can discourage personal growth and accountability by encouraging individuals to accept their flaws without striving to improve or change negative behaviors.
  • Unrealistic Expectations: The movement often promotes the idea of constant happiness and self-satisfaction, which is unrealistic and can lead to disappointment and frustration.
  • Neglecting Others: The focus on self-love can sometimes lead to ignoring the needs and feelings of others, which can harm relationships.
  • Avoidance of Criticism: It can lead to avoiding criticism and feedback, which is essential for personal growth and development.
  • Materialism: The self-love movement is often tied to consumerism, with the idea that buying things for oneself is a form of self-love. 
  • Ignoring Reality: It can encourage people to ignore or dismiss real problems and challenges under the guise of self-love.
  • Overemphasis on Individualism: The movement can overemphasize individualism at the expense of community and collective responsibility.

Moving Away from Self-Love and Embracing a Lot of Humility

While self-love is important for mental health and self-esteem, it should not overshadow the importance of humility and service to Our Creator. A balanced approach is key. It is possible to love oneself while acknowledging one’s flaws and serving a higher power. This balance allows us to maintain a healthy sense of self-esteem without losing sight of our responsibilities and our place in the universe.

We are responsible for instilling these values in our children. We must teach them the importance of humility, service, and acknowledging a higher power. We must also help them understand that self-love ignores responsibility, can be self-centered, and furthers isolation and loneliness. Instead, it is about accepting The Creator into your life, and striving to be a better person – for The Creator.

While the self-love movement has its merits, it should not replace the importance of humility, service, and acknowledging Our Creator as the One Who Makes Us Whole. As members of the Native Americans for Sovereignty and Preservation, we encourage our relatives to strive for a Creator-First approach incorporating our traditional values. Doing so can foster a more compassionate, respectful, and humble society.


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