Embracing What Works: The Power of Diet and Exercise for Our Communities

Our approach to well-being is holistic, encompassing the balance of body, mind, and spirit. Our forefathers recognized natural remedies, physical endurance, and spiritual gratitude as critical healthy lifestyle components. In light of modern health challenges, we must rekindle these timeless principles. Let us get into diet and exercise practices that align with our heritage, fusing traditional knowledge with scientific insights….

Embracing Our Roots: The Revival of Regenerative Farming in Tribal Lands

Regenerative farming is more than just a fleeting trend; it’s a return to our ancestral roots. Deeply embedded in Native American culture, this ancient practice offers innovative solutions to today’s pressing food desert challenges. From rebuilding soil health to enhancing biodiversity, regenerative farming is a path forward. Let’s explore this fascinating world. What Is Regenerative Farming? Regenerative farming is a holistic approach…

The Modern Chains of Slavery: Processed Sugar, Ultra-Processed Carbohydrates, and Alcohol

We are the Native Americans for Sovereignty and Preservation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the health and well-being of our communities. Today, we want to talk about a pressing issue affecting us all: consuming processed sugar, ultra-processed carbohydrates, and alcohol. We believe these substances are the modern chains of slavery, binding us to a cycle of poor health and…