Inflation: A Real-Number Comparison for Our Tribal Communities

Inflation is like a silent storm, slowly taking away our buying power. Our Indigenous communities must grasp this, especially when we see the numbers. Think of it this way: if you bought a loaf of bread for $1.55 in 2021, that same loaf costs $2.01 today on March 14, 2024. That’s not just numbers changing; it’s more money coming out…

Understanding Inflation’s Grip on Native Communities

The term ‘inflation’ has become all too familiar in today’s economic landscape. That invisible force subtly erodes the purchasing power of our hard-earned dollars. While its effects are felt universally, specific communities, particularly our Native communities, bear a disproportionate brunt.  Inflation, the rise in the prices of goods and services over time, affects everyone. Here’s a breakdown of how inflation…