The Biden-Harris Administration: A Series of Failures Impacting Native Americans and Beyond

The Biden-Harris Administration: A Series of Failures Impacting Native Americans and Beyond

As a common-sense organization, we are deeply concerned about the trajectory of our nation under the Biden-Harris administration. From foreign policy blunders to domestic mismanagement, the administration has consistently prioritized interests that undermine the well-being of Native Americans – urban and rural. Let’s examine some key failures that have left a lasting negative impact on our communities and the country.

The Afghanistan Disaster

The chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021 was a glaring example of poor leadership and lack of foresight. The BIden-Harris administration’s decision to pull out without ensuring the safety of American citizens, allies, and vulnerable Afghans led to unnecessary loss of life and empowered the Taliban. This debacle damaged America’s global reputation and signaled a disturbing willingness to abandon allies. This concern resonates deeply with Native communities who have experienced similar betrayals throughout history. It happened on Biden’s watch, which he checked multiple times during the dignified transfer of fallen soldiers from Afghanistan.

The Palestinian-Israel Conflict

The administration’s approach to the Palestinian conflict has been inconsistent and lacks a clear strategy. While the world watches the ongoing tension, the U.S. has failed to take a decisive stance that protects its interests and those of its allies. This wavering position only exacerbates the instability in the region, further endangering lives and contributing to global unrest. We want peace, but Biden-Harris’ weakness needlessly is pushing us toward World War III.

Foreign War Aid to Ukraine

While the administration has been quick to funnel billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine, Biden-Harris has neglected pressing domestic issues, particularly those affecting our Indigenous populations. This disproportionate allocation of resources raises serious questions about the administration’s priorities. How can we justify such immense foreign spending when many of our own people still lack basic necessities, economic opportunities, and proper healthcare? We demand parity.


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The Lahaina Fires and Economic Displacement

The fires, which began on August 8, 2023, have been among the deadliest in recent U.S. history, claiming over 115 lives with hundreds still unaccounted for. The 12,900 residents of Lahaina continue to struggle in the aftermath. Nearly 60% of those affected are still without permanent housing in Lahaina, living in temporary shelters or with family and friends. The stress of displacement has worsened mental health issues, with reports of anxiety, depression, and PTSD skyrocketing. To make matters worse, the median home price in Lahaina has surged from $1.9 million in 2023 to nearly $2.7 million in 2024, pricing many out of their hometown. Land sales have also exploded, with 22 sales totaling $18.7 million from January to July 2024, compared to just three sales worth $3.8 million during the same period in 2023.

Continued Fentanyl Deaths

The surge in fentanyl-related deaths is a crisis that has been largely ignored by the administration. The border crisis, exacerbated by the administration’s lax policies, has allowed dangerous drugs to flood into our communities, contributing to a devastating rise in overdoses. Native American communities, already vulnerable due to limited healthcare resources, have been hit particularly hard by this epidemic. Fentanyl has killed nearly 38,000 Americans in the first six months of 2023 alone, according to the DEA. And drug cartels have been reported to be selling and trafficking on our tribal lands (Read here).

The Surge of Unaccompanied Minors

The unprecedented number of unaccompanied minors entering our country is another crisis that the administration has failed to address adequately. These children, often fleeing violence and poverty, are thrust into a system unprepared to care for them, leading to overcrowded facilities and insufficient resources. Meanwhile, Native American children continue to suffer from inadequate support in foster care and educational systems. The administration’s misplaced priorities are evident when illegal immigrants receive more attention and resources than our vulnerable populations. According to the CBP, from Biden’s inauguration to now, roughly 532,611 unaccompanied children (who are not from Mexico) have come across the border and been referred to HHS. Remember, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez cried for 9,500 children when they arrived at the border in 2021 without a guardian.

Southwest Land Border Encounters | U.S. Customs and Border Protection (

Prioritizing Illegal Immigrants Over Native People

It is deeply troubling that the administration seems more focused on accommodating illegal immigrants than addressing the needs of Native Americans. From healthcare to housing, resources that should be directed toward Native communities are instead being diverted to support individuals who have entered the country illegally. This is not only unfair but a direct violation of the federal government’s trust responsibilities to Native tribes. According to the CBP, from Biden’s inauguration to now, roughly 8.5 million people from the Southern Border have entered illegally and have come across the border and been referred to HHS. Remember, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the current total population of Native Americans in the United States is 6.79 million.

No Action on Missing and Murdered Indigenous People (MMIP)

One of the most heart-wrenching failures of the Biden-Harris administration is the lack of significant action on the crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous People (MMIP). This ongoing tragedy has devastated countless Native families, yet the administration has done little more than offer empty promises. The lack of concrete steps to address this epidemic reflects a profound disregard for the lives of Native people and their families.

The Haskell Sexual Assault Coverup Scandal

The recent sexual assault scandal at Haskell Indian Nations University is a stark reminder of the administration’s failure to protect Native students. Instead of addressing these serious allegations and ensuring the safety of our young people, the Biden-Harris administration has remained largely silent, especially from Deb Haaland, allowing a culture of abuse and neglect to persist.

Cutting Off Economic Opportunities at Nageezi Chapter

The administration’s policies have also stifled economic opportunities for our Relativescommunities. The recent restrictions on oil and gas exploration at the Nageezi chapter are a prime example. These actions not only limit economic growth but also undermine tribal sovereignty by preventing tribes from managing their own resources and pursuing their own economic paths. Navajo Nation leader says Biden, AOC energy policies cripple tribe’s economy – The Tri-City Record.

No Challenges to Human Rights Abuses for Disenrollment

The administration’s lack of action on the issue of tribal disenrollment is yet another failure. Disenrollment not only strips individuals of their tribal identity and rights but also leads to broader human rights abuses. The federal government’s refusal to intervene or challenge these abuses is a clear indication of its disregard for Native lives and sovereignty. The Human Rights Crisis Ignored: Disenrollment and Abuse on Tribal Lands.

Ineffective Tribal Land Management

Finally, the administration’s approach to tribal land management has been nothing short of disastrous. Instead of empowering tribes to manage their lands effectively, the administration has continued the age-old practice of handholding and paternalistic oversight. Co-management and co-stewardship is not tribal sovereignty – plain and simple. This not only stifles innovation and growth but also perpetuates a cycle of dependency that has plagued Native communities for generations. “Co-Management” or “Co-Stewardship” is not “Land Back.”

Inflation and Higher Gas Prices

You know it, you feel it, you don’t need a chart. One of the most pressing issues affecting Native Americans, especially those living in urban areas, is the rampant inflation and skyrocketing gas prices. For many urban Natives, the dream of homeownership has become a distant memory. With home prices soaring and loan rates climbing, the prospect of owning a home is slipping further out of reach. The Biden-Harris administration’s failure to address these economic challenges has only exacerbated the struggles of those trying to build a stable future for themselves and their families. Instead of finding relief, we are burdened with higher costs of living and a growing sense of financial insecurity.

Job “Recovery” is Not Job Creation

Returning to work is not the same as job creation. Nearly 72% of all job gains since 2021 were simply jobs being recovered from the pandemic, not newly created jobs. In fact, compared to pre-pandemic levels, employment is up by only 3.7 million jobs. Additionally, the Bureau of Labor Statistics recently reported that job growth over the past year is set to be significantly revised down by 818,000 jobs, or 0.5% of total employment. The administration’s portrayal of a booming job market is misleading when much of it is merely a recovery of lost jobs, not true economic expansion.

COVID-19 Mismanagement and Student Learning Loss

Under the Biden-Harris administration, more people died with COVID-19 than under the previous administration, despite the availability of vaccines and treatments. This tragic reality highlights the administration’s failure to effectively manage the pandemic. Moreover, the impact on our children has been devastating. Students across the country, including Native American students, are facing significant learning loss, increased absenteeism, and failing grades. The administration’s mishandling of school reopenings and lack of support for educators has led to a generation of students falling behind, with long-term consequences for their futures.

​Why School Absences Have ‘Exploded’ Almost Everywhere – The New York Times (

Other Unfulfilled Promises

Although we don’t endorse these policies, the Biden-Harris administration has failed to deliver on numerous promises made to the American people, including Native Americans. They promised – and failed – to lower prescription drug costs, allow the import of prescription drugs from other countries, forgive student loan debt, end pay discrimination, increase access to affordable housing, eliminate cash bail, avoid tax increases for those earning under $400,000, create 1 million auto industry jobs, offer universal preschool to 3- and 4-year-olds, provide tuition-free public college for families making less than $125,000, and raise the federal minimum wage to $15/hour. Yet, these promises remain unfulfilled, leaving us to question whether this administration is truly committed to the well-being of all Americans.

The Biden-Harris administration has failed Native Americans and the country as a whole. The administration’s actions have had far-reaching negative consequences, from foreign policy missteps to domestic neglect – Oh! And no broadband! It is time for a change in leadership—one that prioritizes the needs of Native Americans, protects our sovereignty, and upholds the values that make this nation great.

The time has come for Native voices to be heard and for our communities to receive the respect, resources, and opportunities we deserve. We must hold this administration accountable and demand better for our people and our future.

failed policies against Native americans biden harris failure failures
failed policies against Native americans biden harris failure failures
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