Voting With Our Values For a Better Future

Voting With Our Values For a Better Future

As a proud tribal citizen and advocate, we firmly believe that our votes hold power to shape the direction of our tribal nations. We must support candidates who stand for preserving our traditional values and our unique cultures, respecting those who serve and protect, expanding domestic energy sources, defending Life in the womb, growing the economy and jobs, fighting for peace, protecting our families, empowering local leaders, stopping wasteful spending, and keeping bad government out. Let’s explore why each of these aspects is essential for the well-being of our communities.

Vote with Your Faith

Preserving Traditional Values and Native American Culture: Our traditional values and Native American culture are the essences of who we are. By voting for candidates who prioritize the preservation of our heritage, languages, and customs, we ensure that our rich cultural tapestry continues to thrive. We preserve our traditions and keep our unique identity and pass on our wisdom to future generations.

Vote with Your Wallet

Expanding Domestic Energy Sources: As stewards of the land, we are responsible for prioritizing clean energy practices. Voting for candidates who advocate for expanding domestic energy sources allows us to reduce dependence on foreign entities while promoting low-cost and reliable efficient energy sources like oil, gas and coal. Candidates need to be honest about the costs of renewable and green energy. In addition, investing in these sources keeps our communities online, on-the-grid, safe and creates job opportunities within our communities.

Growing Economy and Jobs: A thriving economy and job market are essential for the prosperity of our communities. By voting for candidates who prioritize policies that promote economic growth and job creation, we secure better opportunities for ourselves and future generations. In addition, supporting leaders who foster entrepreneurship, attract investments, and champion inclusive economic policies pave the way for a brighter future.


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Stopping Wasteful Spending: Fiscal responsibility is crucial for the sustainable development of our nation. By voting for candidates who prioritize stopping wasteful spending, we advocate for transparency and accountability within our government. Supporting leaders committed to responsible budgeting ensures that our tax dollars are used efficiently and effectively.

“Vote with Your Heart”

Defending Life in the Womb: The protection of Life is a deeply held belief for many of us. By voting for candidates who prioritize the defense of Life in the womb, we uphold our cultural values and advocate for the rights of the unborn. In addition, supporting leaders who champion pro-life policies ensure that we protect the most vulnerable members of our society.

Protecting Our Families: Our families are the heart of our communities. Voting for candidates who prioritize policies that protect and support families strengthens the fabric of our society. We create an environment where our families can thrive by advocating for initiatives that provide access to quality healthcare, education, and social programs.

“Vote for Safety”

Fighting for Peace: As Native Americans, we understand the devastating consequences of conflict. By voting for candidates committed to diplomacy, international cooperation, and peaceful resolutions, we contribute to a safer and more harmonious world. Supporting leaders who prioritize peacebuilding efforts ensures that our voices are heard in pursuing global stability.

Respecting Those Who Serve and Protect: Our servicemen, women, law enforcement personnel, and first responders deserve our utmost respect and support. By voting for candidates who recognize their sacrifices and work towards providing them with the resources and recognition they deserve, we demonstrate our gratitude and ensure the well-being of those who safeguard our communities.

Empowering Local Leaders: Local leaders understand our communities’ unique needs and challenges. By voting for candidates who empower local leaders, we ensure that decisions are made by individuals who are invested in our well-being. In addition, supporting leaders who prioritize local governance fosters accountability and ensures that our voices are represented effectively.

Keeping Bad Government Out: Corruption and ineffective governance hinder progress and erode public trust. By voting for candidates who uphold integrity, transparency, and ethical conduct, we protect the principles of good governance. In addition, supporting leaders who prioritize the people’s interests ensures that our government remains accountable and continues to focus on serving the needs of its citizens.

Voting is not just a right; it is a powerful tool that allows us to shape the future of our nation. By casting our votes for candidates who stand for our way of Life, we actively contribute to the betterment of our communities. Through voting, we uphold the legacies of our ancestors and pave the way for future generations.

Let us exercise our right to vote responsibly in the spirit of unity and progress. Let us research and understand the positions and track records of the candidates. Let us engage in thoughtful discussions, encourage others to participate, and promote an informed electorate. Together, we can create a future that embodies the principles and values that matter most to us as Tribal citizens – urban and rural.

Remember, our votes can bring about positive change, protect our traditions, and empower our communities. So let us embrace our role as active citizens and exercise our democratic right to vote. By doing so, we contribute to the ongoing journey of shaping a nation that respects its diverse cultures, values its citizens, and builds a brighter future for all.

Register to Vote in Arizona

Online Registration: Visit the Arizona Secretary of State’s website and use the online voter registration system. To complete the process, you will need a valid Arizona driver’s license or state ID card.

Voter Registration by Mail: Download a printable voter registration form from the Arizona Secretary of State’s website or request a form to be mailed to you. Please fill out the form completely, sign it, and mail it to the address provided on the form.

Voter registration deadlines in Arizona

  • Online registration deadline: 29 days before Election Day
  • Register by mail deadline: Must be postmarked 29 days before Election Day
  • In-person registration deadline: 29 days before Election Day

Remember to check the registration deadlines for upcoming elections in Arizona. It’s essential to register early to ensure your eligibility to vote. Your voice matters, so take advantage of these registration options to make a difference in Arizona’s democratic process!

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