A Bright Future with Energy Freedom and What It Means for Native Communities

A Bright Future with Energy Freedom and What It Means for Native Communities

Have you ever considered where the energy that powers your home comes from? We, at the Native Americans for Sovereignty and Preservation, believe that we can make life better for everyone by using all kinds of energy, like oil, gas, nuclear, minerals for batteries, and even heat from the earth. This way, we can have more jobs, save money, and strengthen our tribal nations and our country.

But only some agree on how to use energy. Some people have made rules that stop us from using certain kinds of energy. Right now, the government – and global climate organizations – have removed our voices and hands from our lands. We call this “green colonization.” This has led to problems like higher prices for things we need and relying on other countries like China for our energy. China is even building over 100 new coal plants, which is unsuitable for the environment.

NASP wants to ensure we can use all kinds of energy in America. This will help our economy grow, lower the cost of gas and food, and create new jobs for people. They also think it will make us less dependent on other countries for our energy needs.

We understand many of our people are worried about climate change. They hear about it in the news and wonder what will happen to our planet. We want to ensure we know the difference between fundamental changes in the climate and scary stories that might not come true. A study shows the average rate of warming of the surface of earth for the past 170 years is less than 0.07 degrees C per decade. The world has gotten a little warmer, but we’ve also been much better at dealing with weather problems. In fact, fewer people are dying from weather disasters now than in the past. And we are so much more energy efficient than we ever have been. 


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So, what’s the plan? We believe in something called “energy freedom.” This means letting people use all kinds of energy without too many rules getting in the way. This is the best way to find new energy solutions that everyone can use, even other countries like China and India. By working together and using our energy wisely, we can build a promising future for our Native communities and the world.


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