The Urgent Need for U.S. Mining and Mineral Independence

Minerals are key to our future. They power everything we use, from phones to cars. Yet, America relies on other countries for these vital resources. It’s time to change that. We must focus on mining these materials right here in our lands. Think about all the gadgets and machines we use daily. They all need minerals to work. However, getting…

Inflation: A Real-Number Comparison for Our Tribal Communities

Inflation is like a silent storm, slowly taking away our buying power. Our Indigenous communities must grasp this, especially when we see the numbers. Think of it this way: if you bought a loaf of bread for $1.55 in 2021, that same loaf costs $2.01 today on March 14, 2024. That’s not just numbers changing; it’s more money coming out…

Embracing All Forms of Energy: A Call for Inclusive Energy Policies for Native Communities

From our viewpoint, energy policies for Native communities should prioritize sovereignty, economic independence, and practical choices. Advocating for a balanced approach emphasizes the right of Native tribes to choose their energy resources, blending traditional and modern sources to foster independence and respect cultural values without being constrained by externally imposed clean energy mandates. Overview of the Office of Indian Energy’s…

Empowering Tribal Entrepreneurs: A Step Towards Economic Sovereignty

In a significant stride towards bolstering tribal sovereignty and economic independence, the U.S. House of Representatives recently passed the Native American Entrepreneurial Opportunity Act. This bipartisan effort, co-introduced by Rep. Eli Crane (R-AZ) and Rep. Sharice Davids (D-KS), marks a pivotal moment in our nation’s commitment to ensuring that the entrepreneurial spirit within our tribal communities is not just recognized…

The Harm of Bloomberg’s Beyond Carbon Campaign on Native American Sovereignty

Michael Bloomberg’s $500 million injection into the Beyond Carbon campaign, while lauded by eco-activists, overlooks the consequences for Native American communities, particularly the Crow and Navajo Nations. Coal’s Role in U.S. Energy Generation Coal, accounting for 19.5% of U.S. electricity generation in 2022, remains pivotal in America’s energy landscape, second only to natural gas (39.8%). This underscores the challenge of…

Partnering with Native American Communities for Responsible Mining and Prosperity

The future of America’s critical mineral resources lies beneath the lands of our nation’s original owners, the Native American tribes. As our country faces a pressing need for minerals crucial to energy transition and national security, it’s time to look at these resources through a lens of respect, partnership, and shared prosperity. A recent report from the Center for Strategic and…

Native Americans for Sovereignty and Preservation (NASP) Partners with Project 2025 to Elevate Tribal Voices in Policy Reform

Native Americans for Sovereignty and Preservation (NASP) proudly announces a significant partnership with Project 2025, championed by The Heritage Foundation. This collaboration is a testament to NASP’s profound capabilities in navigating the intricate landscape of Indian Country and the bureaucratic challenges that often stifle progress. New! Read our Project 2025 FAQs for NASP NASP brings expertise in tribal-specific federal agency…

From The Hill: Understanding Native American Economic Freedom – Unraveling the ‘White Tape’

Recent media, including Ken Burns’s “The American Buffalo” and “Killers of the Flower Moon,” shed light on the historical injustices faced by Native Americans. These works highlight the broken treaties and exploitation that led to their poverty. The authors of a recent Op-Ed on The Hill, Terry Anderson and Thomas Stratmann, coauthors of “A Reservation Economic Freedom Index,” delve into how…

Empowerment Through Financial Independence: The Rise of Native American Tribes in the Free Market

In today’s rapidly changing world, financial independence isn’t just about having money in the bank; it’s about empowerment, self-respect, and serving a higher purpose. For tribes and tribal citizens, this translates into harnessing the power of private enterprise and the free market. Let’s take a deeper look into the transformative power of being financially self-reliant and how it paves one…