The Urgent Need for U.S. Mining and Mineral Independence

The Urgent Need for U.S. Mining and Mineral Independence

Minerals are key to our future. They power everything we use, from phones to cars. Yet, America relies on other countries for these vital resources. It’s time to change that. We must focus on mining these materials right here in our lands.

Think about all the gadgets and machines we use daily. They all need minerals to work. However, getting these minerals is tough due to strict rules. We depend too much on other nations, like China, for them. This can be risky.

Senator Jim Risch from Idaho wrote an op-ed that caught our attention. In it, he explained how vital it is for our country to control its mineral resources. Our reliance on foreign minerals, especially from places not friendly to the U.S., can be dangerous.

Senator Risch shared that minerals like gold, silver, and lithium are essential for our daily lives and national security. Yet, red tape and regulations make it hard to mine them in America. He believes we should mine and process these minerals in our country to be safe and independent.


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Native Americans for Sovereignty and Preservation supports this idea. Mining in America means more jobs and security, and it also means we don’t have to depend on other countries for our needs. Let’s support U.S. mining and keep our nation strong.

To learn more, read Senator Risch’s op-ed. It’s an eye-opener on why mining is crucial for our future. Let’s mine our minerals and protect our country’s future.


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