We Benefit from Our Natural Resources

We Benefit from Our Natural Resources

Fuels like natural gas, petroleum, coal, propane, oil and mining can provide important benefits for tribal nations and Native American governments. Natural gas is a relatively clean-burning fossil fuel that can provide a reliable source of energy for heating and electricity generation.

These energy sources have contributed to advancements in healthcare, transportation, access to clean drinking water, and economic development, which we believe have directly improved the social determinants of health such as access to medical facilities and economic opportunities.

Many Native American communities are located in remote or rural areas where other sources of energy may be less accessible, making affordable fuel an important resource for providing affordable and reliable energy. Gasoline is also an important fuel source for transportation, which can be essential for accessing jobs, healthcare, and other services.

In addition, both natural gas and gasoline can provide revenue and economic benefits through production and sales, which can help to support tribal economies and provide resources for community development and services. Tribes have the capacity to manage the development and use of natural gas and gasoline and can ensure that environmental and health concerns are addressed and that the benefits are shared equitably among tribal members, and communities close to tribal lands.


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Fossil Fuels Can Be Beneficial to Tribes

Jobs and economic benefits: The development and production of fossil fuels can create jobs and economic opportunities for Native American tribes, particularly in regions with significant fossil fuel reserves. This can help tribes to develop their own economies and provide resources for community development, education, and other needs.

Revenue sharing agreements: Many Native American tribes have revenue sharing agreements with fossil fuel companies that allow them to receive a share of the profits generated from the extraction and production of fossil fuels on their land. This revenue can be used to fund essential services and infrastructure for the tribe, such as healthcare, education, and housing.

Energy in Action

The Osage, MHA Nation, and Navajo have all utilized oil and gas leases as a means of revenue sharing. These tribes have entered into agreements with energy companies, allowing for the extraction of oil and gas resources from their lands, in turn generating substantial income that is shared among their tribal members. This approach has provided significant economic benefits and opportunities for the tribes, contributing to their self-sufficiency and fostering sustainable development within their communities.

Energy independence: Fossil fuels can provide a source of energy for Native American tribes that may not have access to other sources of energy, particularly in remote or rural areas. This can help to reduce reliance on outside energy sources and increase energy independence for the tribe.

Tribal sovereignty: The ability to develop and use natural resources on tribal lands is a key aspect of tribal sovereignty, which is an important concept for many Native American tribes. The ability to develop and benefit from fossil fuels on tribal lands can be seen as a way to exercise this sovereignty and maintain control over tribal resources.

Oil and gas production can be beneficial to Native American tribal nations in several ways. The revenue generated from oil and gas production can provide a source of funding for essential services and infrastructure, such as healthcare, education, and housing. This revenue can also support economic development and job creation on tribal lands, which can help to reduce poverty and improve quality of life for tribal members. Additionally, oil and gas production can help to increase energy independence for tribal nations, particularly in remote or rural areas where other energy sources may be less accessible.

Benefits of Natural Gas, Coal, Oil for Our Communities

  • Affordability: Natural gas, coal, gasoline, propane and oil are often more affordable energy sources compared to renewable energy technologies. For instance, the average price of natural gas in the U.S. is significantly lower than electricity 1.
  • Reliability: These energy sources are reliable and can provide a consistent energy supply, which is crucial for rural communities needing access to reliable grid electricity. We need reliable access to cook and clean, and we do that with our gas stoves. Natural gas, for example, is available throughout the year and is not dependent on weather conditions like solar or wind energy.
  • Revenue Sharing and Leases: Many Tribal Nations can now access these energy resources on their lands. They can lease these lands to energy companies for mineral extraction, providing a significant source of income. This revenue can be used for education needs like scholarships for Native students, infrastructure development like roads and hospitals, and other community services. 
  • Efficiency: Natural gas, in particular, is highly efficient for heating and electricity generation. Modern power plants can convert up to 60% of the energy in natural gas into electricity.

Challenges And Realities of the Green Revolution

  • The transition to green energy is a long-term process and is expected to take several decades.
  • The cost of green energy technologies can be high, especially when considering the cost of infrastructure, storage, and grid integration. The total cost of a fully renewable energy system is significant due to the need for energy storage and grid modifications.
  • A large portion of green technology products are manufactured in China. This includes solar panels and wind turbines. This raises concerns about supply chain security and the environmental impact of manufacturing processes. China still relies heavily on coal for its own energy needs to manufacture these “green” solutions. This has led to significant environmental concerns.
  • Low wages supply China’s labor in the green technology manufacturing sector and poor working conditions have been reported in some areas.
  • Green energy technologies generally require more land and resources compared to traditional energy sources. 
  • Electric vehicles (EVs) batteries are significantly heavier than similar-sized gas vehicles, raising safety concerns for traffic, parking garages, and roads. The increased weight of EVs is noted to potentially exacerbate the ongoing fatality crisis in accidents.

The Native Americans for Sovereignty and Preservation actively promotes smart, affordable, and reliable energy solutions, including the use of oil and gas, while maintaining a commitment to being responsible environmental stewards. Recognizing the importance of energy resources in supporting their communities and economic development, they advocate for utilizing these resources in a sustainable manner. By implementing advanced technologies, environmental safeguards, and responsible practices, we aim to strike a balance between energy needs and environmental conservation, ensuring a brighter future for tribal communities – urban and rural – while preserving the natural world for generations to come.

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